
Extend `fl-contains` to mach on children text as well

revati opened this issue · 1 comments

Feature goal

Extend fl-contains to mach on children text as well.

|> Floki.parse_document!()
|> Floki.find("div:fl-contains('Some')")
|> IO.inspect(label: :first)
# Output: first: [{"div", [], ["Some"]}]

|> Floki.parse_document!()
|> Floki.find("div:fl-contains('Some')")
|> IO.inspect(label: :second)
# Output: second: []
# Desired output: [{"div", [], [{"span", [], ["Some"]}]}]

Hey @revati 👋

You actually can archive similar results using a descendant combinator with the "all" selector ("*").
Please try:

|> Floki.parse_document!()
|> Floki.find("div *:fl-contains('Some')")
|> IO.inspect(label: :second)
# Output: second: [{"span", [], ["Some"]}]
# Desired output: [{"div", [], [{"span", [], ["Some"]}]}]