Disable CSS and images
noamalffasy opened this issue · 3 comments
Is it possible to not download CSS and images to speed up the crawling?
but you need javascript and its execution?
if not, you do not need this framework, but just URLRequest (or network request library such as Alamofire) and a parser like tid-kijyun/Kanna (that I use here)
If yes, I see any configuration on WebKit to deactivate that
There is stopLoading but it will stop download javascript too
Then there is a delegate on WKWebView, maybe you decide inside what to crawl or not
I actually wanted to disable only CSS and images because it could download less files and make the app load info faster.
I know that it's possible in other browsers (using puppeteer for example). If it isn't supported natively then is it possible to block URLs? That way I'll be able to block URLs that end with .png or any other file extension that indicates an image or css
has I say Erik use WebKit, apple framework.
but I do not remember if resources like images and css call this delegate methods