
i Followed your blog! nice one

Kampouse opened this issue · 2 comments

Hey threre i seen your blog i wanted to say nice job of showing this i love it! but there one thing that would have like to see that is missing.
How to you run the expression that is written in the build_kmod_.nix!
thanks you !

Hey! Thank you! Can you please provide some more details? There is no build_kmod.nix in this repo, but debugcon_module.nix, do you mean that?

You can build the kernel-module either using:

$ nix-build -E '
  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
pkgs.callPackage nix/debugcon_module.nix { kernel = pkgs.linux_latest; }

or by just running

$ nix-build -A debugconModule

thanks you!