
Warning: found multiple adapters for dvt_build.log.xz-9.xz

gcflymoto opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi is it expected for rga to run the decompressor twice if .xz is twice in the file name? Or should it be more strict and only do that for .xz.xz ??

dvt_build.log.xz-9.xz: preprocessor command failed: '"rga-preproc" "dvt_build.log.xz-9.xz"':

Warning: found multiple adapters for dvt_build.log.xz-9.xz:

  • decompress
  • decompress
    dvt_build.log.xz-9.xz adapter: decompress
    Error: during preprocessing

Caused by:
0: run_adapter(dvt_build.log.xz-9.xz)
1: Rusqlite("database is locked")
2: database is locked
3: Error code 5: The database file is locked

Could you attach the file and send the output of rga --version?

The "database is locked" error is potentially unrelated to the duplictae adapter warning. I can't reproduce the duplicate adapter warning though.

Duplicate of #188