
Setup GitHub Codespaces for MasterCommander Development

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User Story: As a contributor to MasterCommander, I want to set up GitHub Codespaces for the project, so that I can easily contribute to the codebase without the need to configure my local development environment.

Description: This feature involves creating a GitHub Codespace configuration for MasterCommander. It will allow contributors to launch a fully configured development environment in the cloud, complete with all the necessary dependencies and tools installed. This setup will streamline the onboarding process for new contributors and ensure consistency across development environments.

Design: [Placeholder for design details]

Technical Implementation Information:

  • Create a .devcontainer directory in the MasterCommander repository.
  • Inside the .devcontainer directory, add a devcontainer.json file to specify the configuration of the Codespace, including the Docker image to use, extensions to install, and any necessary environment variables.
  • Choose a base Docker image that includes the .NET SDK and other tools required for MasterCommander development, such as Git, Docker CLI, and PowerShell.
  • Configure the Dockerfile to install any additional dependencies not included in the base image.
  • Add setup scripts if necessary to automate the setup of the development environment further.
  • Document the process for accessing and using the Codespace for development, including how to start the environment, run tests, and contribute changes back to the project.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Contributors can open the MasterCommander repository in GitHub Codespaces and have a fully configured development environment ready within minutes.
  • The Codespace includes all necessary dependencies to build, run, and test MasterCommander.
  • Documentation is available to guide contributors on how to use the Codespace environment for development tasks.
  • The setup supports the latest version of the .NET SDK and other critical tools used in the MasterCommander development workflow.
  • Changes made within the Codespace can be committed and pushed back to the repository without any additional configuration.