
AppleScript Plugin to sync the play count from Last.FM to iTunes

Sync iTunes LastFm

AppleScript Plugin to sync the play count from Last.FM to iTunes


Edit the Sync-iTunes-LastFm.scptd file and change YOUR-LASTFM-USER-NAME to your login on Last.FM.

Install the plugin for the current user only, move Sync-iTunes-LastFm.scptd to:

  • ~/Library/iTunes/Scripts

To install system-wide (for all users), move Sync-iTunes-LastFm.scptd to:

  • /Library/iTunes/Scripts

If there is no "Scripts" folder, then create one.


JSON Helper

How to use

Once the file have been installed it will be accessible in iTunes' Script menu. Select the songs and use the option Sync iTunes LastFm in iTunes' Script menu.


Based on the work of Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes (http://www.dougscripts.com/itunes/).