
[Suggestion] Make text look better for mobile?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

If you can, I'd suggest moving the logo and menu button both to the right, and make a sign or something that says "turn landscape for faq section" and maybe make the
look a little formatted and a little nicer. That should be all for mobile. 😃

Mobile layout is good enough unless there are some major issues other than just not pretty enough text, or not enough pixels in X direction, etc. I don't expect a large mobile audience downloading and burning Twister via their phones. As such is the case, the mobile layout mainly exists only as a brief information piece, landscape mode people ... (most people at least) ... should know to turn their phones for a different view be it a desktop mode or a landscape targeted layout offering more. I have brought text and img elements in closer that this screenshot shows though to attempt to make it 'nicer looking'.