
GC is extremely slow

timbuchwaldt opened this issue · 4 comments

I am developing a small experimental app for a project I am working on.
I planned on using Phoenix.PubSub for setting up subscriptions in a cluster of machines so a game process can subscribe to events happening that it cares about.
Due to the high scalability requirements I tested adding and deleting lots of processes early on and saw a huge bottleneck in the Phoenix.PubSub.GC module.

Subscribing my 50k test processes to 10 topics is done in well under 2s, removing their subscription takes ˜50s with all schedulers maxing out:

This is obviously a super synthetic benchmark but I was wondering if the GC part has been looked at with a performance perspective in mind.

Hi José,
thanks for your quick reply. After a quick fight with Firenest I was able to start the benchmark.
With two partitions it doesn't max out all schedulers but still takes ages (stopped the benchmark after 2 minutes for 500k subscriptions) , the reduction counts clearly show both PIDPartition processes as the ones taking the time.

Increasing the number of partitions increases the load, with 8 partitions leading to the same pattern of 8/8 schedulers being maxed out, the runtime is equivalent:

Sooo..I figured it out, damn synthetic benchmarks.

I subscribed the test processes to all the same channels, so I basically had 10 channels with 50k subscribers each. Each deletion then is a lookup in the pid ETS table for finding subscriptions (fast as it's a lookup by key) plus 10 match_delete. The match_delete then finds the key in ETS (quick) but has to iterate through all 50k items to find the pid. This occurs 10 times for each item.

If my (rather bad) mathematics are correct the worst case number of lookups that goes key by key would be (500000^2 + 500000)/2 which is roughly 125 billion lookups.

I now rebuilt my sample with a random set of 100 channels I subscribe to, this changes the picture drastically, sadly the benchmarking becomes a lot more complex since picking the random channels makes subscribing slow.

In conclusion I suspect there is a huge bottleneck in the cleanup when lots of subscribers subscribe to the same topic, as this means ETS has to go through all items with the shared topic key to find which exact element to delete.

Edit: I see one viable workaround if one would still want to have lots of subscribers on a single key: Subscribe the processes to key + rand(0, n), sending to all by sending to key+0 up to key+n.
This will then distribute the number of duplicates in the table equally over 1/n keys and therefore drastically reduce the impact of this issue. As sending is a simple lookup the overhead on the sending site is negligible.

I Implemented my workaround:

  def distributed_publish(id, message) do
    for i <- 1..128 do
      Firenest.PubSub.broadcast(FFL.PubSub, id <> "-part" <> Integer.to_string(i), message)

  def distributed_subscribe(id) do
    distributed_id = id <> "-part" <> Integer.to_string(:rand.uniform(128))
    Firenest.PubSub.subscribe(FFL.PubSub, distributed_id)

This improves the behaviour drastically (first bump is starting, then waiting, the terminating all instances):

Compared to not distributing:

I would implement this a little nicer if there is interest, possibly hashing the key or something similar.

Now that we have sharding in place, this should be much improved. Thanks!