
Scanner in frame

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There is any option to avoid my QR Scanner fill all the screen? I need that was contained, por example, in a div

Thank you :)

3fera commented

I need too :)

so the developpers just ignored this issue?

I would like to contain scanner area in a <div> as well so I can use the top or bottom half of screen in portrait mode for content. This will be on large tablet so plenty of room for more content.

pke commented

Also then the plugin would not need to be shipped with all the translations (and their bugs in the android build process).

Hi guys, we would appreciate this feature too.
Actually I believe the biggest issue here is streaming the live video preview over the cordova app.
I actually found a plugin that claims to do exactly this:
I know you guys mention you need to stream video into a particular div, but this solution (placing live video preview panel on exact pixel-based position) could do the trick too..

Can that be a viable solution?

this is iOS only one seems to put the viewfinder behind the html:

pke commented

hmmm... interesting approach. But iOS only and swift. More compile code, more hazzle. More error sources.

Hmmm... From what I've seen so far, cordova-plugin-qrscanner is not only iOS... or we're talking about different plugins?

pke commented

@MiroHibler that was then added after I posted this in June :) Did you try the plugin? Does it detect QR codes fast?

@pke I'm trying it right now...

@pke So, my first impressions:

From what I've understood so far, there's no way of putting scanner view in a <DIV/> or whatever container - it's a OS restriction (at least on iOS) and there's virtually nothing we can do about it.

What they've done is they've put scanner view BEHIND the WebView, so you need to set the transparency on <BODY/>'s children objects manually in order to see the scanner preview. That actually enables you to put whatever overlay you want on top of the scanner view.

What I miss though, is scanning other types of codes (barcodes), because it only does QR codes (as its name implies).

Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to test its performance thoroughly, but from my test cases I'd say it's quite fast.

This may be possible in the future but for right now it's not possible.

@macdonst May you explain why ?


...Still not possible ... :(

Did anyone make it? Looking for the same...

Me too.. Any news?
What about this one? Seems too old to work though...

Still not possible ??