[Bref] Retrieve the authorization informations from api-gateway
dmerchier opened this issue · 1 comments
dmerchier commented
I would like to retrieve the authorization informations from api-gateway when I'm using the bref runtime.
From a bref layer (for example php-74-fpm
), I could retrieve this information with $_SERVER['LAMBDA_REQUEST_CONTEXT']
(see Bref\Event\Http\FpmHandler.php)
Nyholm commented
Excellent question!
If you are using a PSR-11 application you can get these from the Context
object directly. However, if you are using a Symfony or Laravel kernel, then you will soon be able to get it by $request->server->get('LAMBDA_REQUEST_CONTEXT')
I just added a PR to fix this.
I see that you just added #78. =)