
Please update the stubs

isaumya opened this issue · 6 comments

ACF 5.9.9 has been released. Please update the stubs.

Hello @isaumya! I thought no one uses this package :)

Really? I use it on all my projects. Why do you think that?

Why do you think that?

ACF is a one-man-show, static analysis is for quality assurance. These two are opposite of each other.

The last change was in v5.9.6...v5.9.7
The two latest releases brought no changes in stubs.
Please check them if you have time.

Thank you for reporting it!

Hey @szepeviktor,
I am not sure if anything was changed. But I just informed you so that you can just rn the code and check if there was anything updated.

Moreover, I have a request, not sure if you can do it as I think most of your stub generation is kinda automated.

Currently inside your stubs you have just:

function get_row_index()

mentioned. I was wondering if you can add the proper comment above it like this:

*  get_row_index
*  This function returns the current row index within a have_rows() loop.
*  @type	function
*  @date	2/09/13
*  @since	5.3.4
*  @param	void
*  @return	int A numeric index of the current row. See notes regarding index offset.
function get_row_index()

As I have to manually add it each time after I install these stubs. If you can add it would be really helpful.

stub generation is kinda automated

Without "kinda"!

As I have to manually add it each time after I install these stubs.

Me too!


  1. Add it yourself each time
  2. Send a PR each time
  3. Develop a shell/PHP/diff/* script that adds it
  4. Tell Elliot to add it
  5. Don't care