
Document deployment process

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Following the merge of #408 and #604, we could switch from PSR-4 autoloader implementation taken from php-fig/fig-standards to using composer autoloading.

In order to do so, we would need to run

composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader

or - given that we currently do not have any production dependencies - at least

composer dump-autoload --optimize

Is there a chance we can document the deployment steps, or modify them in any way?

cmb69 commented

I don't know exactly how the deployment works; I think it's rsync based, and the exact scripts are likely only available on the Web servers. While we should be able to get someone who could adjust the scripts, it might be hard in practise. As such, maybe leave it as is for now.


As a follow up to #408, are we still using PHP 7.3 on the production system or is there a chance that we are using a PHP version that is less unsupported?

As per @derickr, these are the current deployment steps for

The scripts are at, specifically