
Database error 1366

icubex opened this issue Β· 11 comments

icubex commented

We get the following error message when entering a text that contains "𝗳𝗿𝗲𝗲" in the Compose Message field.

Database error 1366 while doing query Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9D\x97\xB3\xF0\x9D...' for column at row 1

Really? that's odd. phpList definitely doesn't filter on "free" or something. Looks more like a Multibyte string problem. Are your database tables using the correct collation?

icubex commented

What collation should that be ? And shouldn't that have been setup by the PHPList installer ?

icubex commented

Yes it's similar to the SO entry. Our PHPList database uses some Latin variety character set and collation - not sure how that happened. Anyway, apparently it should be using UTF8 variety character set and collation to handle the "𝗳𝗿𝗲𝗲" character sequence, correct ? Is there a way to switch the database to UTF8 ?

It should initialise in UTF-8, but you can try to go to system -> convert to UTF8

icubex commented

It says "The DB was already converted to UTF-8 on 2015-01-12 21:23". I previously ran the query "SHOW COLLATION LIKE 'latin%';" on the PHPList database which resulted in lots of latin variety collations so I thought the database was a latin variety but actually it's easy to see it's a UTF8 variety (utf8mb3_general_ci). So now it's not clear to me why the database was not able to handle the "𝗳𝗿𝗲𝗲" character sequence.

Yes, very strange. Can you post the exact string you entered in phpList (I presume in the subject or body)? Then I can try to replicate it.

icubex commented

The string is "𝗳𝗿𝗲𝗲". FYI, I created it using an online website for creating bold text without HTML.

Ah, I think you may need to post the URL to create that, because I think Github has sanitised the text. It must be some unicode trick. I wonder if you need some utf8mb variant instead.

icubex commented

It was a website like
The database already uses utf8mb3_general_ci, or do you mean it should use another utf8mb variant ?

Can you check if #1001 fixes it for you?