
This is the OS Status Site by phpBB that will monitor phpBB.com and other *.phpBB.com related sites. It is licensed under the GPLv3 and therefore you may use parts of it for your own personal projects or contribute to the site.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

phpBB Status Site

Build StatusScrutinizer Quality Score

This is the repository for the site created on status.phpbb.com


  1. Clone the repository

  2. Copy app/config/parameters.dist.yml to app/config/parameters.yml and adjust confiuration as needed.

  3. Run:

    $ php composer.phar install

  4. Get some inital data by using the database data in app/status.sql

  5. Run php app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate to create the initial tables for the site.

  6. Run php app/console pingdom:update to initialise the database with initial values.

  7. The status site uses the FOSUserBundle for managing users, to create a user via the command line you can use the next commands: https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSUserBundle/blob/master/Resources/doc/command_line_tools.md

  8. In case the intl extension isn't working (Like on bluehost), and icu-dev ins't available, you can use https://github.com/kbsali/sf2-icu as replacement.

  9. Everything can be managed via the admin page: http://status.example.com/admin/OPTION, where OPTION can be:

    • sites
    • updates
    • checks
    • overides



By contributing you agree to assign copyright of your code to phpBB Limited.

See LICENSE for the full license.


To contribute fork the repo, make your changes in a feature branch and send a pull request

The site is maintained by the phpBB Website Team

Should you wish to report a bug report it at The phpBB Website Bug Tracker