
update queries: strange behaviour on SET EXPR

Opened this issue · 11 comments

dbu commented

i tried to run this query:

UPDATE [nt:unstructured] AS a INNER JOIN [nt:unstructured] AS t ON ISCHILDNODE(t, a) 
SET expr('row.getNode("t").setProperty("originalLinkCaption", row.getNode("a").getPropertyValue("originalLinkCaption"))') 
WHERE a.[phpcr:class] = 'Liipch\MagazineBundle\Document\Article' ;

but during the autosave i get the exception

[PHPCR\ValueFormatException] Invalid value for property ")": Object values must implement PHPCR\NodeInterface, PHPCR\PropertyInterface or be \DateTime, supplied argument is of class: PHPCR\Shell\Query\ColumnOperand

as SET EXPR does not exist, this should report an error instead of trying to do strange things. there is probably a problem with the query parser.

I don't think so.. looks like a parser issue. Maybe try escaping the quotations?

hmm .. i get the same issue


UPDATE [nt:unstructured] AS a INNER JOIN [nt:unstructured] AS t ON ISCHILDNODE(t, a) 
SET t.originalLinkCaption = EXPR('row.getNode("a").getPropertyValue("originalLinkCaption")') 
WHERE a.[phpcr:class] = 'Liipch\MagazineBundle\Document\Article' ;
dbu commented

i tried that, it leads to the bug described in #160

Hmm, it works for me locally (it parses the query and updates 0 rows). Are you using the latest version? (beta-3)

dbu commented
dbu commented

ok, your proposal works. but the thing i reported still gives me the same on beta3 and i don't think i see a typo in there. so maybe a bug in the expression parser?

functions got case sensitive, so its actually expr and not EXPR

So you can update your content repository sucessfully?

Is the bug that it should be case insensative? (in addition to actually locating the exception class)

dbu commented

so the SET EXPR() syntax seems not case sensitive, but the a.field = expr() case only works lowercase. maybe that is by design - not sure but maybe functions should generally be case insensitive. would be more in line with the sql keywords being insenstitive.

a.field = expr() worked for me with beta3. SET EXPR() does not.

Hmm, well SET EXPR is invalid as SET is always field => value. We could implement APPLY EXPR()

dbu commented

oh, but then the parser is really not reporting that one well. it executed something and the error comes on the auto-save. i will adjust the ticket description then