
Drag ghosts are hidden behind other components when dragging

zherman91 opened this issue · 1 comments

I am attempting to drag items from a tree that is inside a v-navigation-drawer to a container in a different component. I have found that the order of the node being dragged is behind everything else. I have already tried manually setting the z-index when dragging the node but it does not work.

Any ideas on how i could make the draggable items on top of everything else? Vue-Smooth-Dnd has an example of this using get-ghost-parent() which allows you to set the parent element of the drag operation to document.body which puts the dragged element on top.

Any thoughts on how to get around this?

phphe commented

Thank you for your use. I published he-tree-vue. vue-draggable-nested-tree will no longer be updated.
try this