
1.1.0 release

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  • Create 1.1 branch for the release if it does not exist
  • Change the branch of the build status in if the branch is newly created (1.1)
  • Change on the release branch. (1.1)
  • Tag to the release on git with the command git tag -s v1.1.0 HEAD (1.1)
  • Push changes to GitHub with the command git push upstream 1.0 and git push upstream --tags (1.1)
  • Create a new draft release as Domain Commons 1.1.0 (stable) (GitHub)
  • Write the description of the release
    • The release date in UTC TZ=UTC date
  • Publish the release
  • Update wiki pages (Home)
  • Update the version in and composer.json from 1.1 to 1.2 if 1.1 branch is newly created (master)
  • Push changes to GitHub with the command git push upstream master (master)
  • Remove unnecessary releases in Packagist
  • Remove unnecessary branches in GitHub
  • Tweet the release