
Include twig support

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Can you add the following files (from phpMyAdmin) to provide twig support:

  • Twig\I18nExtension
  • Twig\I18n\TokenParserTrans
  • Twig\I18n\NodeTrans

In my local test this works perfectly (using my namespace)

$twig->addExtension(new PhpMyAdmin\Twig\I18nExtension());
nijel commented

Probably makes sense to move it to the motranslator, what does @MauricioFauth think?

@williamdes Is your idea to move these files to motranslator? With this, the motranslator would depend on twig/extensions and twig/twig.

@MauricioFauth you are right

I see 4 solutions:

  • Add dependency in the dev mode only
  • Create a repository like phpmyadmin/motranslator-twig
  • Add the files to this repository and use them without composer
nijel commented

Having separate repository sounds like a good choice, that way it will have correct deps and will be easier to integrate.

I agree with @nijel

nijel commented