
Darkmod-Neo Theme Coloring (Black on Dark Background)

VishwaJay opened this issue · 2 comments

This is a LOW PRIORITY as it's a mere theme annoyance and I can just switch themes to make it work. But still... annoyance is annoyance.

The element #move_columns_dialog li has black (#000) text on a dark-blue ( #222435 ) background. This was discovered in the 'Move Columns' dialog while trying to reorganize a table.

Since I don't know where to fix it, and there's not an issue tracker on @Suprethreal 's fork, I'm dropping this here. Hopefully, someone has time to dig through the SASS and CSS files and figure out an optimal solution. Hopefully, that someone is at least as competent as @Suprethreal is.

The text as it stands is incredibly hard to see, even at night on a brightened screen. The rest of the theme is beautiful and I've had no other issues. There's a reason I'm making an issue instead of just switching to a new theme.

I hope this notification will reach the people than will fix this issue :)

@VishwaJay Hello, does this method solve your problem?
Add this code to the end of the theme.css
#move_columns_dialog li { background: #313248 !important; color: #aaa !important; }