
darkwolf-5.1 Theme dark for phpmyadmin 5.1

SteppenWolf68 opened this issue · 9 comments

Hi @williamdes, Hi @ibennetch

Could you please review the files for the darkwolf-5.1 theme for phpmyadmin 5.1 and if everything is correct I will appreciate it if you share it in phpmyadmin / themes and in I appreciate your attention, greetings.

Hi @SteppenWolf68
Thank you for the update !
As soon as #59 is merged and released your update will be uploaded and released afterwards

Our theme download engine deals well with different versions, so I would prefer to call this "darkwolf" instead of "darkwolf-5.1" if no one objects.

Hi @williamdes, Hi @ibennetch

darkwolf and darkwolf-5.1 are different themes for different versions of phpmyadmin

Our theme download engine deals well with different versions, so I would prefer to call this "darkwolf" instead of "darkwolf-5.1" if no one objects.

For me there is no problem

I really appreciate your help, comments and suggestions.

I've just released 5.0.1 with 5.0 support, with the fixes from @williamdes e310fc0.

I've also released 5.1, the first add-on theme for 5.1.

Thank you for your work and contributions!

Hello @SteppenWolf68,

Thank you for this nice theme. It is beatiful. There is an issue with welcome page for my language. In some languages "Welcome to" comes after "phpMyAdmin" so it looks like as in the screenshot

So "phpMyAdmin" is an image in this theme. How can we solve?

But It needs to be look as in the original or metro theme:


Hello @SteppenWolf68,

Thank you for this nice theme. It is beatiful. There is an issue with welcome page for my language. In some languages "Welcome to" comes after "phpMyAdmin" so it looks like as in the screenshot

So "phpMyAdmin" is an image in this theme. How can we solve?

But It needs to be look as in the original or metro theme:


Hi @BouRock,
Thank you for your comments,
You can solve the problem by removing or changing the following in theme.css >> h1 bdo {
display: none
Change it to >> h1 bdo {
display: inline
or just delete it. Hope this helps you, regards.

Yes, thank you.