
darkwolf font size

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font size of my form (and form) are really big... How can i set a smaller font size? I take a look to the css, but i'm not sure where to change...

Hi @alebalweb
What version are you using ?

darkwolf 5.1 installed from on this server

Also pmahomme have huge font size...

Also pmahomme have huge font size...

Hi @alebalweb ...
Font size did not change from original file pmahomme

:( And can't be changed?


screenshot at 1920x1080

hi @alebalweb

maybe it's the zoom in your browser

No, zoom 100%, the side bar is normal... just forms are exploded...

hi @alebalweb ...

Please check this line 12188, it must be 1.2 em, you can change to 1em

hi @alebalweb

These changes must be made within the theme.css file

half... the text is smaller, but the forms are still huge

the problem must be where you have it installed

What do you mean? I said to ubuntu apt-get install phpmyadmin... and he do it...

the problem must be where you have it installed

What do you mean? I said to ubuntu apt-get install phpmyadmin... and he do it...

Nobody else has reported this problem, in fact no serious problems have been reported, but let me find a solution for your problem, if necessary I will install ubuntu to see if the same thing happens to you with the forms

About Ubuntu, @alebalweb you are maybe not using the latest phpMyAdmin version
See: Wiki for install methods on Ubuntu/Debian

Or this is a problem of a font not installed on your computer maybe ?

you can delete font-family: monospace; from line 12188 in the theme.css file to see if it solves the problem

or you can delete the whole line or comment it like this:

/* textarea {
    font-family: monospace;
    font-size: 1.2em
} */

No, i tried to completely remove textarea from the css... but forms remain huge...

but it is something that also happens with the original pmahomme theme, is it possible that I am the only idiot who has noticed and complained?

The version is 5.1.1, the latest, I updated it immediately after installing phpmyadmin following this procedure

varchar is input="text" or textarea? they are huge too...

the weird thing is that only you is happening, and as you say, this comes from the original pmahomme and it is only with you, I need to install ubuntu to check it and see if the same thing happens to me

I feel so stupid ... this is my configuration, all new and updated, and I have not done anything strange, it is possible that I am the only one who has a newly installed lts server and the only one who has noticed that forms are huge ???

take it easy, we will try to help you with this, I do not know how long it will take, since I am learning to install ubuntu and I must install the local server to check, do not despair, as soon as I have an answer I will let you know, just give me a little of time

I feel so stupid ... this is my configuration, all new and updated, and I have not done anything strange, it is possible that I am the only one who has a newly installed lts server and the only one who has noticed that forms are huge ???

I think it is possible this is a bug fixed for 5.1.2, could you please try the latest 5.1 version in development (phpMyAdmin 5.1+snapshot) ?

hi @alebalweb ...
install ubuntu and condition the local server and the forms also appeared large and add "width: auto! important" in the specific line I attach an image and I hope it works for you

Captura de pantalla de 2021-08-25 23-47-14

and I keep working on this, to give a better visualization of darkwolf theme, do not despair

So, I tried everything, adding "auto! Important" doesn't change, and the development version has the exact same problem... maybe we should tell it to the developers? But I have no idea how to tell them ... the official page on says write to Stack Overflow or server fault ... but I'm not sure they would see it ... I try to say it here

maybe the problem is that rows="7" but it's not css,
it's in the phpmyadmin code ... and I don't know if we can get there ...

So, I tried everything, adding "auto! Important" doesn't change, and the development version has the exact same problem... maybe we should tell it to the developers? But I have no idea how to tell them ... the official page on says write to Stack Overflow or server fault ... but I'm not sure they would see it ... I try to say it here

You are on our GitHub issue board and I am one of the phpMyAdmin devs ;)

Did you install the latest snapshot to make your changes onto ?

Exellent, just opened...
i installed 5.2, but i didn't touch it

This config value is set to 7 as default, you can lower it but you will need to use the 5.1.2-dev snapshot to have the fix for it as I mentioned on the issue you did open

i just tried to reinstall this

but that's how I see it

Wait... sorry... now i found it on options and i see this


bu font-size is still huge...

Here is what I have on my workstation, can you post a comparison ?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus augue metus, viverra quis elit ut, eleifend placerat mauris. Vestibulum viverra vel est a imperdiet. Sed sem risus, commodo quis dui quis, euismod efficitur purus. Aenean accumsan faucibus quam sed tincidunt. Phasellus lobortis tempor elit, sed consequat ex condimentum ut. Sed in elementum mi. Vivamus mollis tortor quis lacus imperdiet pretium. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris maximus efficitur urna eu ornare.

Integer iaculis ultrices turpis, ac mollis orci. Phasellus posuere lobortis nibh, id pharetra purus euismod in. Aenean consequat pellentesque odio, in gravida nisl fermentum id. Sed sodales mattis felis, sed feugiat enim congue a. Vivamus non urna nulla. Cras molestie iaculis elit non vehicula. Nulla venenatis pellentesque dui a volutpat.

Praesent aliquam neque et lobortis fringilla. Aliquam vestibulum cursus dolor, ac sodales felis semper non. Pellentesque commodo, ante sed rhoncus luctus, mauris nulla pretium purus, non sollicitudin augue arcu sed nunc. Nullam porta risus sed lectus molestie, congue finibus nisl fringilla. Integer maximus eleifend nunc, a placerat leo congue quis. Morbi facilisis, augue sit amet aliquet sagittis, ipsum libero vehicula nulla, a accumsan nisi elit sed tellus. Nam tincidunt, quam in suscipit gravida, metus lectus iaculis odio, sed posuere nisl dui vitae risus. Proin pretium, lectus sed iaculis commodo, urna tortor ultricies est, sed vehicula tortor mauris et nisl. Cras ac ligula nec erat molestie faucibus. Vestibulum commodo, diam vel dignissim pretium, ipsum libero aliquam purus, nec elementum massa tellus ut ipsum. Pellentesque interdum tincidunt orci, in molestie felis gravida nec. Phasellus orci diam, rutrum quis sem ac, congue tempus metus.

Integer egestas elit at neque posuere volutpat. Mauris et odio eget urna ultricies fermentum. Morbi posuere lorem sit amet est pellentesque, vitae tincidunt diam tincidunt. Etiam ultricies sit amet leo id consequat. Morbi dapibus, sapien ut viverra mattis, ligula ante posuere dolor, quis luctus est arcu eget eros. Quisque ante velit, vehicula vel libero eget, dictum malesuada odio. Pellentesque auctor mi eget euismod tristique. Suspendisse sed enim vel sem vehicula malesuada quis a neque.

Sed ac purus eget sem vehicula ultrices. Donec semper ornare velit, vitae semper risus ornare mollis. Duis aliquam felis id nunc aliquam posuere. Nunc molestie risus diam, at ornare justo venenatis in. Suspendisse non urna eget velit hendrerit finibus non id diam. Integer egestas egestas bibendum. Nullam ut fermentum erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla facilisi.


This solved it on darkwolf theme

textarea {
    font-family: monospace;
    font-size: 1em

Hi @SteppenWolf68
Should I push this patch into the theme or do you have some changes to do ?

I think work good with 1em...

hi @williamdes
You can include it please, I have no more changes to make, greetings

I did push the change but css files need to be re-built
Do you approve the theme for 5.1 versions as compatible ?

I did push the change but css files need to be re-built
Do you approve the theme for 5.1 versions as compatible

hi @williamdes
Yes i do

hi @williamdes
I believe that this topic can be considered closed,
unless there is something else pending, greetings

hi @williamdes I believe that this topic can be considered closed, unless there is something else pending, greetings

Hi @ibennetch
Could you release the version I prepared ?