
Update darkwolfbootstrap theme for phpMyAdmin 5.2

SteppenWolf68 opened this issue · 5 comments


Update for the darkwolfbootstrap theme, fixed minor details, such as font color, background color, margins as well as being able to change the size of the text areas (resize)

I will appreciate any comment and in case of any detail, to be able to correct it as soon as possible, greetings.

Hi on your theme there are no bar like


So we can t slide on left/right

Hi on your theme there are no bar like


So we can t slide on left/right

Hi @bagou4502

if you need the scrollbars just remove this in theme.css:

body {
-ms-overflow-style: none; /* for Internet Explorer, Edge / scrollbar-width: none; / for Firefox / overflow-y: scroll;
body::-webkit-scrollbar {
display: none; /
for Chrome, Safari, and Opera */

Okey thanks I didn't know this existed in css

Its work perfectly

Hi @SteppenWolf68
First, i use your theme for one year now and i want to say that i love it.

I find an typo error on /pma/themes/darkwolfbootstrap/css/theme.css:3356

Capture2022-07-15 165127

Hi @InformatiqueProg

Thanks for your comments and thanks for spotting that little bug, it's now fixed.
I will upload the .zip file in a new issue with all the corrected details detected until today by all the participants, hopefully the administrators can give it a good point of view and be able to download it from
