
BooDark - errors, bugs, features

adorade opened this issue ยท 19 comments

Hi @ibennetch @williamdes

The BooDark theme is a new theme, currently under development, and I'm happy to get feedback from those who are already using it. Personally, while using it, I discover errors and bugs but also things that I would like to improve. Being a "dark-mode" theme, it's much more pleasing to the eyes.

In the next 2 weeks I plan to release a new, much improved version that will be much more stable. So if you find bugs, errors or want some improvements, please feel free to open a new issue, it would help me a lot. Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜‰

I think this is confusion because the un-selected button is not clearly a button. Maybe borders would help

I'm a little confused. This is how it looks to me, BooDark v1.0.1. Please give me more information.



I assume it's about "Choose File", which should stand out better

Tested in Chrome, new style, extend '.btn-dark' or '.btn-outline-info`. I prefer option 1, dark button.


The dark button is cool, no need to change it. You are missing or to enable more features

I understand. I think I should update my with the default settings so I can test other things better. What are you saying now?



I also put borders but it doesn't look so good:


I prefer w/out borders. Like in Bootstrap theme.

I also put borders but it doesn't look so good:

I agree, maybe a border around the two buttons to make it clear there is two modes ?

I think you mean nav-pills to act like btn-group. Like this, w/out borders but with dark background, better solution:


Wow, I like it. It really looks nice !

Included in next release ๐Ÿ˜‰

Was this fixed by #94 ?

BooDark theme appears in โค๏ธ not in ๐Ÿ˜ข (logged in as root with empty password).

My intention is to maintain the theme, to keep up with the changes made for version 5.2.x ๐Ÿš€ and to prepare it for the future version 5.3.0. ๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿš€

I added this on my todo list, there is something wrong with the demo server build script

Thanks... when you have time.
Also, new release v1.0.2 has not yet been uploaded to

I made a bunch of fixes to the demo update script, it should be okay now

Here is a new bug (white body):

@williamdes Thank you for reporting this. I will check as soon as possible.
It seems that `#table_name_col_no_outer' should have some space around it.


... and "Create table form" should have the same background-color


I found another one for you

I think the background is too black and this made me think that it was a bug (the first second when there was no data).

@williamdes Fixed in next release. ๐Ÿ˜‰ (#98)

@williamdes Fixed in next release. wink (#98)

Awesome !
Can you create a new issue to track the progress of this extension to be published on the website ?