
Conflict with php-di

hultberg opened this issue · 10 comments

PHP-DI has a CompiledContainer cache and depends on nikic/php-parser, but as this package has replace on nikic/php-parser, that package is never installed when phpstan-shim is installed as a development dependency and having run composer install --no-dev. Composer autoloader fails when loading my app with:

PHP Fatal error:  Class 'PhpParser\NodeVisitorAbstract' not found in /srv/app/vendor/jeremeamia/SuperClosure/src/Analyzer/Visitor/ClosureLocatorVisitor.php on line 17

Fatal error: Class 'PhpParser\NodeVisitorAbstract' not found in /srv/app/vendor/jeremeamia/SuperClosure/src/Analyzer/Visitor/ClosureLocatorVisitor.php on line 17
/srv/app (master ✘)✹ ᐅ composer why nikic/php-parser    
jeremeamia/SuperClosure  2.4.0   requires  nikic/php-parser (^1.2|^2.0|^3.0|^4.0)  
php-di/php-di            6.0.2   requires  nikic/php-parser (^2.0|^3.0|^4.0)       
phpstan/phpstan-shim     0.10.1  replaces  nikic/php-parser (^4.0.2)               
psy/psysh                v0.9.6  requires  nikic/php-parser (~1.3|~2.0|~3.0|~4.0)

/srv/app (master ✘)✹ ᐅ composer why jeremeamia/superclosure
php-di/php-di  6.0.2  requires  jeremeamia/superclosure (^2.0)

I have tried to both 0.10.1 and master branch. For me, this package is unusable in my application.

Have you tried installing phpstan/phpstan instead?

@JanTvrdik That was what I did before, but I wanted to avoid all the extra dependencies and just use a compiled one. If this package provides a PHAR, I thought is was supposed to be self-containing, i.e. not depending on any composer dependency or the autoloader itself?

Also, if you can't for some reason, try master instead.

@lookyman As I explained in my OP, the autoloading issues are related to the fact that nikic/php-parser is not in vendor directory at all. There are no problems running phpstan in my case, but my application.

I know, but there is a (possible, experimental) fix in master for this scenario, which should allow your application to autoload nikic/php-parser from inside the phar.

@lookyman Did some testing and seems to work in master. Would be nice to have it released. As stated at 0db0041#commitcomment-29593469, we should be seeing a new release very soon.

My testing repository:
Branches: good a working example, bad not working.

However, after some more testing. What was the big issue with replacing nikic/php-parser anyway? PHARs are all self-contained files and should not require or conflict with any other autoloader outside of itself. As tested and proved here:

This should no longer be a problem in 0.10.2.