Dependency Dashboard
renovate opened this issue · 0 comments
renovate commented
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.
Detected dependencies
php ^7.2 || ^8.0
nikic/php-parser ^4.13.0
php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint ^1.2
phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules ^1.1
phpstan/phpstan-phpunit ^1.0
phpunit/phpunit ^9.5
actions/checkout v3
shivammathur/setup-php v2
actions/checkout v3
actions/checkout v3
shivammathur/setup-php v2
actions/checkout v3
shivammathur/setup-php v2
actions/checkout v3
shivammathur/setup-php v2
actions/checkout v3
WyriHaximus/github-action-get-previous-tag v1
WyriHaximus/github-action-next-semvers v1
rickstaa/action-create-tag v1
rickstaa/action-create-tag v1
dessant/lock-threads v4
cbrgm/mastodon-github-action v1
Eomm/why-don-t-you-tweet v1
actions/checkout v3
metcalfc/changelog-generator v4.1.0
actions/create-release v1
- Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository