
I have a denial of service error

villers3 opened this issue · 0 comments

$jsFunc = 'function myTestFunc () { return 1}; } '; ok
$jsFunc = 'function myTestFunc () { return 11}; } '; ok
$jsFunc = 'function myTestFunc () { return '1'}; } '; error
$jsFunc = 'function myTestFunc () { return [] }; } '; error
$jsFunc = 'function myTestFunc () { return{} }; } '; error

$js->executeString($jsFunc, 'Test.Context');
$js->executeString('myTestFunc ();', 'Test.Context',V8Js::FLAG_NONE,21000,10241024);

centos 8
apache 2.4.54
php 7.4.30
v8js 2.12

apache error log:
AH01067: Failed to read FastCGI header
AH01075: Error dispatching request to

Can anyone help me? Thank you