
redundant terminal example?

rgkirch opened this issue · 1 comments

It's a little confusing that there are two examples
I'm just trying to be helpful by pointing this out. It's not really an issue.
It came up for me since I found without a gif but I was sure I'd seen a gif before somewhere... Then I found, again,

The organization is partially because of the original setup using lein. I still use the in-project examples as quick smoke-tests when deploying and they're referenced in a few places in the docs. It's also useful to have standalone example projects.

Now that membrane supports deps.edn, the example project could probably be reorganized into an example project within the membrane repo. For newer projects that used deps.edn from the start, I've started including an examples folder (example). Eventually, that's the direction I'd like to go when I get a chance to reorganize things a bit.