
My personal dotfile collection and post-install scripts.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

phschaad dotfiles

These are my (Philipp Schaad) personal dotfiles. Feel free to use and/or modify them to your taste.

Table of Contents
Is this compatible with my system?
What does this contain?
Installing the configurations
What about those scripts?
Additional software packages


I recommend trying to understand them thoroughly before installing them on your own system. To make this easier, I have tried to mark everything with concise comments where code/script itself is not self explanatory.

Is this compatible with my system?

Those files are meant for and tested on Ubuntu systems. However, the dotfiles themselves should be more or less platform independent.

What does this contain?

The dotfiles contained in this repository are meant for a number of different software packages.

Configuration for Notes File(s)
System (.inputrc) System and utilitary configurations .inputrc
Bourne-again shell (BASH) A number of custom functions, aliases, and environment variables .bashrc .profile
Vim / Neovim Vim mappings, functions, and plugins .vimrc .config/nvim/init.vim
Git Git global configurations .gitconfig
Ctags Exuberant ctags configurations .ctags
Tmux Tmux mappings and configurations .tmux.conf

In addition to the mentioned configuration dotfiles this also includes a small selection of custom shell scripts (found inside the scripts/ directory), as well as an install script (install.sh) for bootstrapping the configuration files on to your system. More on this in their respective secions on scripts and bootstrapping.

If you decide to use the bootstrap script to install the dotfiles on your system, you also have the option of installing a few standard software packages from a curated list, based on what I typically use and need on a newly set up system. Check the relevant section for more information on this.

Installing the configurations

To use this selection of dotfiles without any modification you should clone this repository into your home directory as a hidden folder as follows:

git clone https://github.com/phschaad/.dotfiles ~/.dotfiles

After this, check if the included install script is marked as executable. If not, add the necessary permissions:

chmod 744 ~/.dotfiles/install.sh

Proceed by running the script as follows:

sudo ~/.dotfiles/install.sh

This will initially back up any pre-existing configuration files that would be overwritten into a new folder ~/.dotfiles.bak. It will proceed by symlinking all of the necessary files into your home directory. If run with superuser privileges, you will be prompted with an options menu where you can install additional software packages. If run without sudo, the script will finish after linking without installing anything else.

What about those scripts?


Display all 256 terminal colors as foreground and background colors, together with their respective terminal color code. This only works if you have a 256 capable color terminal, for obvious reasons.


A utility script for the bash prompt, to display the current branch if inside of a git tracked directory.

Additional software packages

The software packages installed by the script can be broken down into a set of categories as follows:

Installed no matter what else you choose:
C/C++ Stack:
LAMP Stack:
Web Dev Stack:
Image Editing: