
select() not working after resize

blursolo opened this issue · 1 comments

I am using v.2.0.6 in Vue and have a initialized a slideshow like this:

this.flkty = new FlickityResponsive( slideshow, {
 	cellAlign: 'left',
 	prevNextButtons: false,
	pageDots: true,
	wrapAround: true,	
	autoPlay: false,
	pauseAutoPlayOnHover: false,
	draggable: false,
	selectedAttraction: 0.013,
	friction: 0.26,
	dragThreshold: 1,
	adaptiveHeight: true,
	responsive: [{
		breakpoint: 768,
		settings: {
			draggable: true,
			selectedAttraction: 0.2,
    		        friction: 0.8	

I have a button which, on click, executes the following code:

this.flkty?.select( index, false, false );

It works, but as soon as I downsize the window to match the breakpoint, the code isn't working anymore. There is no error message, it just doesn't do anything. It also doesn't work when I resize the window back to its default desktop size.

Any idea how to fix this?

--- EDIT

Other commands like .next() or .previous() aren't working either..

It probably loses the instance while switching between breakpoints.
Could you get the instance before executing the methods instead? As stated in #21 (comment)