
Indicate when a notification is inactive

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When clicking on an action button inside the notification center, no action happens... This' easily reproducible, and definitely should not be the way it is.

guess at fix:
My guess is that the notification object inside the notification center is treated differently than the one outside it, and therefore the hooks on the buttons disappear.

feature request:

As a slight aside, notifications that have lost their parents do, and definitely should stay inside the notification center. However, they should have a CSS attribute/label specifying that they are no longer active, and pressing them won't do anything.

phuhl commented

Might it be, that the notification has closed already and nobody is listening to the notification anymore?

Hm, actually, after re-testing, this issue has gone, perhaps I placebo-ed myself?
Regardless, having a way to know if a notification has gone inactive though – that'd be useful.

After re-visiting this, I'm unsure how feasible this would actually be. Unfortunate.