
No Configuration file generated.

Closed this issue · 6 comments

OS: Arch
I tried all versions of aur repo

My ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME} set correctly also ~/.config/ direct correct path.

it working but it is not generating any config file and if I put my own config it will not affect the default config of deadd.

phuhl commented

Hi, can you post your config file and the path and filename?

The installer does not create a config file for you, you can create one based on the config file in the README of this repository.

Hi, can you post your config file and the path and filename?

path: /home/electwix/.config/ddead
filename: ddead.yml

margin-top: 0
margin-right: 0

### Margins for notification-center
margin-bottom: 0

### Width of the notification center/notifications in pixels.
width: 500

### Command to run at startup. This can be used to setup
### button states.
# startup-command: deadd-notification-center-startup

### Monitor on which the notification center/notifications will be
### printed. If "follow-mouse" is set true, this does nothing.
monitor: 0

### If true, the notification center/notifications will open on the
### screen, on which the mouse is. Overrides the "monitor" setting.
follow-mouse: false

  ### Margin at the top/right/bottom of the notification center in
  ### pixels. This can be used to avoid overlap between the notification
  ### center and bars such as polybar or i3blocks.
  # margin-top: 0
  # margin-right: 0
  # margin-bottom: 0

  ### Width of the notification center in pixels.
  # width: 500

  ### Monitor on which the notification center will be printed. If
  ### "follow-mouse" is set true, this does nothing.
  # monitor: 0

  ### If true, the notification center will open on the screen, on which
  ### the mouse is. Overrides the "monitor" setting.
  # follow-mouse: false

  ### Notification center closes when the mouse leaves it
  hide-on-mouse-leave: true

  ### If newFirst is set to true, newest notifications appear on the top
  ### of the notification center. Else, notifications stack, from top to
  ### bottom.
  new-first: true

  ### If true, the transient field in notifications will be ignored,
  ### thus the notification will be persisted in the notification
  ### center anyways
  ignore-transient: false

  ### Custom buttons in notification center
    ### Numbers of buttons that can be drawn on a row of the notification
    ### center.
    # buttons-per-row: 5

    ### Height of buttons in the notification center (in pixels).    
    # button-height: 60

    ### Horizontal and vertical margin between each button in the 
    ### notification center (in pixels).
    # button-margin: 2

    ### Button actions and labels. For each button you must specify a
    ### label and a command.
      # - label: VPN
      #   command: "sudo vpnToggle"
      # - label: Bluetooth
      #   command: bluetoothToggle
      # - label: Wifi
      #   command: wifiToggle
      # - label: Screensaver
      #   command: screensaverToggle
      # - label: Keyboard
      #   command: keyboardToggle

  ### If true, markup (<u>, <i>, <b>, <a>) will be displayed properly
  use-markup: true

  ### If true, html entities (&#38; for &, &#37; for %, etc) will be
  ### parsed properly. This is useful for chromium-based apps, which
  ### tend to send these in notifications.
  parse-html-entities: true


    ### If noti-closed messages are enabled, the sending application
    ### will know that a notification was closed/timed out. This can
    ### be an issue for certain applications, that overwrite
    ### notifications on status updates (e.g. Spotify on each
    ### song). When one of these applications thinks, the notification
    ### has been closed/timed out, they will not overwrite existing
    ### notifications but send new ones. This can lead to redundant
    ### notifications in the notification center, as the close-message
    ### is send regardless of the notification being persisted.
    send-noti-closed: false


    ### If set to true: If no icon is passed by the app_icon parameter
    ### and no application "desktop-entry"-hint is present, deadd will
    ### try to guess the icon from the application name (if present).
    guess-icon-from-name: true

    ### The display size of the application icons in the notification 
    ### pop-ups and in the notification center
    icon-size: 20


    ### The maximal display size of images that are part of
    ### notifications for notification pop-ups and in the notification
    ### center
    size: 100

    ### The margin around the top, bottom, left, and right of
    ### notification images.
    margin-top: 15
    margin-bottom: 15
    margin-left: 15
    margin-right: 0

  ### Apply modifications to certain notifications:
  ### Each modification rule needs a "match" and either a "modify" or
  ### a "script" entry.
  ### Match:
  ### Matches the notifications against these rules. If all of the
  ### values (of one modification rule) match, the "modify"/"script"
  ### part is applied.
  # - match:
      ### Possible match criteria:
      # title: "Notification title"
      # body: "Notification body"
      # time: "12:44"
      # app-name: "App name"

    # modify:
      ### Possible modifications
      # title: "abc"
      # body: "abc"
      # app-name: "abc"
      # app-icon: "file:///abc.png"
      ### The timeout has three special values:
      ### timeout: 0 -> don't time out at all
      ### timeout: -1 -> use default timeout
      ### timeout: 1 -> don't show as pop-up
      ### timeout: >1 -> milliseconds until timeout
      # timeout: 1
      # margin-right: 10
      # margin-top: 10
      # image: "file:///abc.png"
      # image-size: 10
      # transient: true
      # send-noti-closed: false
      ### Remove action buttons from notifications
      # remove-actions: true
      ### Add a class-name to the notification container, that can be
      ### used for specific styling of notifications using the
      ### deadd.css file
      # class-name: "abc"

  # - match:
      # app-name: "Chromium"

    ### Instead of modifying a notification directly, a script can be
    ### run, which will receive the notification as JSON on STDIN. It
    ### is expected to return JSON/YAML configuration that defines the
    ### modifications that should be applied. Minimum complete return
    ### value must be '{"modify": {}, "match": {}}'. Always leave the "match"
    ### object empty (technical reasons, i.e. I am lazy).
    # script: "linux-notification-center-parse-chromium"
  - match:
      app-name: "Spotify"
      image-size: 80
      timeout: 1000
      send-noti-closed: true
      class-name: "Spotify"
  # - match:
  #     title: Bildschirmhelligkeit
  #   modify:
  #     image-size: 60

    ### Default timeout used for notifications in milli-seconds.  This can
    ### be overwritten with the "-t" option (or "--expire-time") of the
    ### notify-send command.
    default-timeout: 100000

    # Margin above/right/between notifications (in pixels). This can
    # be used to avoid overlap between notifications and a bar such as
    # polybar or i3blocks.
    margin-top: 50
    margin-right: 50
    margin-between: 20

    ### Monitor on which the notifications will be
    ### printed. If "follow-mouse" is set true, this does nothing.
    # monitor: 0

    ### If true, the notifications will open on the
    ### screen, on which the mouse is. Overrides the "monitor" setting.
    # follow-mouse: false

      ### The mouse button for dismissing a popup. Must be either "mouse1", 
      ### "mouse2", "mouse3", "mouse4", or "mouse5"
      dismiss: mouse1

      ### The mouse button for opening a popup with the default action.
      ### Must be either "mouse1", "mouse2", "mouse3", "mouse4", or "mouse5"
      default-action: mouse3

The installer does not create a config file for you, you can create one based on the config file in the README of this repository.

like I said in the issue I tried but still, my config was not affecting any parameters like timeout, etc.

phuhl commented

path: /home/electwix/.config/ddead
filename: ddead.yml

Seems your file name and path is off. It should be deadd instead of ddead.

Seems your file name and path is off. It should be deadd instead of ddead.

yes, it was the path.
config is working correctly except the CSS is not loading.

├── deadd.css
└── deadd.yml

I put the CSS foundation from here then
I added these lines from readme

.notificationInCenter.Spotify {
    background: linear-gradient(130deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.3));
    border-radius: 5px;
phuhl commented

The .notificationInCenter.Spotify depends on modifying notifications and attaching the class Spotify to them. So it might go wrong at at least two different places. Please test if the CSS file works by changing something that would always have an effect. E.g. by changing the background color of notifications:

.blurredBG.notification {
-    background:  rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4);
+    background:  rgba(255, 0, 0, 1);

yeah like you said that was the case.