
Config: Rename section notification.pop-up -> notification.popup and add keys to docs

Closed this issue · 4 comments

fecet commented

Current default config only can display 3 line content like:

notify-send "So many lines" "line 1\nline 2\nline 3"

Any more lines would be displayed as "...".

It's possible to have something like "maximum_lines" to config this? Seems relevant to #110 but not sure

phuhl commented

Hey @fecet ,

it seems this behavior is implemented, but the configuration is not documented.

  -- configPopupMaxLinesInBody
    <*> inheritingThirdLevel o "notification" "pop-up" "max-lines-in-body" 3
  -- configPopupEllipsizeBody
    <*> ((/= (0 :: Int)) <$>
          inheritingThirdLevel o "notification" "pop-up" "max-lines-in-body" 3)

Please try in your config:

    max-lines-in-body: <maximum lines or 0 for ellipsation disabled>

If that works, we need to add it to the documentation.

EDIT: pop-ups: -> pop-up:

fecet commented

Great, that works! But there is also a 'popup' level under notification in the documentations, which can be confusing, are them truly different?

phuhl commented

Oh boy, you are right... It appears they are distinct indeed, which is not great. We should get that fixed and change pop-up to popup

phuhl commented

@fecet Please note, that I just deployed an update that fixes the naming of pop-up to popup. You might need to update your config.