When will focal be available?
rolintoucour opened this issue · 4 comments
https://hub.docker.com/r/phusion/baseimage/tags?page=1&ordering=last_updated indicates that the focal version is alpha for 3 months. When do you plan to release it?
The repo doesn t seem to be frequently maintenained. will there still be updates and fixes?
@rolintoucour we need to ensure stability, you can always download the focal alpha image from Docker Hub and provide feedback! We are always accepting contributions and feedback, this baseimage is extremely stable and has been around for quite some time, that is why there are not many changes happening. Most changes are really to keep everything up to date with patches, etc.
Numpy drops support of python 3.7 in December (see this table). The same happens to our AiiDA project (see here) which distributed through Docker images that we base on the Phusion base image.
@Theaxiom when you say
we need to ensure stability
What exactly do you mean by this? Are the stability criteria known/documented? I think having a clear understanding of what should be done would help us to help you :).
@yakutovicha we haven't received any bug reports against focal, so we can bump it up to release.
I just released focal-1.0.0 -- thank you!