This project is dead?
Jose92 opened this issue · 6 comments
Hello this project is dead?
It seems that way...
My workaround was to use mongosql or a JDBC driver from DbSchema (check:
Notice that mongosql generates "subtables" for the array fields and you can consult using SQL 92.
I prefered the JDBC driver due to the fact that almost any shell query or function would work, like: db.MyCollection.find()
I hope it helps.
@matiasperrone I was looking for ways to sync data between mongodb to elasticsearch. The current plugin do most of basics stuff, but it does not support synching update/deletion of documentation. While other options seems deprecated for ES7.x, I also found logstash with JDBC driver looks most promising.
After spending hours figuring out of data pipeline, I end up writing custom python script to ingest data from mongodb to elasticsearch
@hardiksondagar seems that the new 7.9 has a beats plugin, so seems what are you looking for.
Check this out