
Problems with special characters in pathnames and filenames

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Nick,

i recently found a new problem in the current OSCPoint v2.0.2.0 when I had to install it on a customers ppt laptop:

The username included some German Umlauts like ö/ä/ü. Corresponding to this, also the pathname of the user directory contained Umlauts and UTF8 characters in general.

OSCPoint wasn't able to open any file due to that fact.

I had to workaround the problem by creatingn a new user without any special character and login to the new local account, but it would be great if you could check and fix that in the next version.

You could try with german usernames like "Müller" or maybe also try some other regional chars like the nordic ø or å

phuvf commented

Thanks for the issue - this is part of a wider issue where OSC only supports ASCII text characters when sending strings. I've started to use UTF-8 encoded blobs to get around this restriction (mainly on notes text so far), but have a list of other functions that could use UTF-8 support.

I'll add this issue to the list.

Related to #57

I'm not a good programmer and I don't know that much about how OSC works together with UTF8 strings, but I could imagine that the companion module could encode the path name to some ASCII string if OSC doesn't accept UTF8/Unicode and OSCPoint could decode that string back to a regular file pathname. Should not be very complicated.

LIke encoding it to HTML (Ä becomes Ä for example) and back or something similar