
Make option to force order to matter for qvars

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Currently the only restriction on qvars comes from the length restriction.

For example:


will return the following query (if length restriction is enabled):

for $x in $m//*:apply
 [*[1]/name() = 'divide' and *[3]/name() = 'cn' and *[3][./text() = '2']]
 fn:count($x/*[3]/*) = 0
 and fn:count($x/*) = 3

However this does not take into account the fact that


is different from


It seems like this should be implemented as part of the qvar concept

👍 good catch and excellent bug report. @hcohl That's how we should use github for all our development activies.

*[1]/name() = 'divide' and *[3]/name() = 'cn' and *[3][./text() = '2']]

This fixes that

  • First elemet is: <divide/>,
  • 3rd element is <cn>2</cn>,
  • the total length is 3

would not match the query. You will realize that if you really create a runnable test case.

Ohh ok my bad!

Should I make a test case for this?

If you can;-)

I currently think the implementatin is correct. At least the example you made would not be a problem. But if you can construct a counter example, that would be great.