
Support search result highlighting

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Currently the XML result generated by the XQuery expression does not contain search result highlighting.
This can be added by using the functx:path-to-node function like demonstrated here
The result format should comply with from @kohlhase.

Ping @jimmyli97

Shouldn't need path-to-node: NTCIR format only specifies ID as necessary to identify the highlighted element.

So something like


should be enough

@jimmyli97 clever. For the LaTeXML format that will work fine and be even faster than the MWS solution.

This requires removing the header/footer getter/setter functionality from XMLQueryGenerator in order to properly insert the external variable declaration for query ID because the declaration has to go after the namespace but before the for loop

See #6

I have investigated that but I do not see the connection.

Closed by 16bcd7a

@plato2000 can you test if that change fixes the problem you describe for basex

@physikerwelt I get this when I update that: UNEXPECTED SERVER ERROR: com.formulasearchengine.mathmlquerygenerator.XQueryGenerator.setHeader(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/formulasearchengine/mathmlquerygenerator/XQueryGenerator;