Invalid linux-mainline_5.10.%.bbappend
Closed this issue · 2 comments
S4mw1s3 commented
Current hardknott branch (and I guess master as well) breaks our yocto builds with the following error:
ERROR: No recipes in default available for:
This commit e12aff1 introduced linux-mainline_5.10.%.bbappend.
I did a search and could not find any linux-mainline_5.10.*.bb file. Is it supposed to be in another layer that we are missing?
smk-embedded commented
Issue should be fixed now. We include a robot layer for nightly builds:
meta-fresh gets the kernel updates earlier. We do not have a release on hardknott yet, so the build without meta-fresh has not been triggered. Thats why the build error was not catched by us yet.
S4mw1s3 commented
I confirm this is fixed. Thanks!