
Error resolving Mission 4

eli0te opened this issue · 2 comments


When trying to resolve mission 4 I did :

[mission 4] $ cd ~/Forest/

[mission 4] $ mkdir Hut

[mission 4] $ cd Hut/

[mission 4] $ mkdir Chest

[mission 4] $ gsh goal

 __^__                                                                     __^__
( ___ )-------------------------------------------------------------------( ___ )
 |   |                                                                     |   |
 | / |  Mission goal                                                       | \ |
 | / |  ============                                                       | \ |
 | / |                                                                     | \ |
 | / |  Build a "Hut" in the forest, and then build a "Chest" in the hut.  | \ |
 | / |                                                                     | \ |
 | / |                                                                     | \ |
 | / |  Useful commands                                                    | \ |
 | / |  ===============                                                    | \ |
 | / |                                                                     | \ |
 | / |  mkdir DIRECTORY                                                    | \ |
 | / |  Create a new directory inside the current directory.               | \ |
 | / |  Remark: ``mkdir`` is an abbreviation for "make directory".         | \ |
 |___|                                                                     |___|

The check wasn't working.

Then, I did this :

[mission 4] $ cd ~

[mission 4] $ ls
Castle  Forest  Garden  Mountain  Stall

[mission 4] $ gsh reset

  |                                    |
  | Use the command                    |
  | $ gsh help                         |
  | to get the list of "gsh" commands. |
  |                                    |

[mission 4] $ gsh goal

 /  .-.                                                                           .-.  \
|  /   \                                                                         /   \  |
| |\_.  |   Mission goal                                                        |    /| |
|\|  | /|   ============                                                        |\  | |/|
| `---' |                                                                       | `---' |
|       |   Build a "Hut" in the forest, and then build a "Chest" in the hut.   |       |
|       |                                                                       |       |
|       |                                                                       |       |
|       |   Useful commands                                                     |       |
|       |   ===============                                                     |       |
|       |                                                                       |       |
|       |   mkdir DIRECTORY                                                     |       |
|       |   Create a new directory inside the current directory.                |       |
|       |   Remark: ``mkdir`` is an abbreviation for "make directory".          |       |
|       |                                                                       |       |
|       |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|       |
\       |                                                                       |       /
 \     /                                                                         \     /
  `---'                                                                           `---'

[mission 4] $ mkdir  Forest/Hut

[mission 4] $ mkdir  Forest/Hut/Chest

[mission 4] $ gsh check

Congratulations, mission 4 has been successfully completed!

I did not really understand why it didn't work the first time

Is the code you paste here exactly what you typed into your console? Because if it is I think it's just because you typed gsh goal instead of gsh check the first time...

Any update on that?
Like @alxrey said, it doesn't look like a bug.

I'll close the issue, but don't hesitate to re-open it if necessary.