The following guide explains how to build a Pi SDK for any programming language, and how to integrate app-to-user (A2U) payments into it. It walks you through how to use the various building blocks to achieve the A2U payment process.
Code snippets in this documentation are meant as high-level examples of the required steps, and will NOT run if they are copy-pasted into an existing project. They are written in Javascript, but the whole point of this document is to explain how to build a Pi SDK in ANY language other than JS.
If you need to integrate Pi into your Node.JS project, you're looking for the Pi SDK for Node.JS.
A2U payments involve both interacting with the Pi Blockchain and the Pi backend. The Pi blockchain is obviously the source of truth for exchanging Pi. The Pi backend is used to improve the end-user experience (e.g. provide users understandable memos on their wallet, and link backs to your app, while preserving user and developer privacy by not making this information public on the chain) and to assist developers in avoiding to make payment mistakes (e.g. double payments due to server faults)
Your Pi SDK implementation needs to both be able to sign and submit blockchain transactions using the Stellar SDK and send additional API calls to the Pi backend using standard https libraries. As a reference, here is the list of the official Stellar SDK's in various languages. You will need to pick the one that is applicable to the language you are working on, include it as dependency into your SDK, and use it as needed.
There are certain steps you need to follow to make A2U payment. Before we take a look at the overall flow, there's one thing to keep in mind.
important At the moment, you can process only one A2U payment at a time, due to the nature of sequence number requirement on the Pi Blockchain. This is a safety feature of the blockchain. However, we will support batch payments, i.e. creating an A2U payment with multiple user uids, to increase the throughput. This is possible through simply adding more operations into each transaction.
You essentiall need to encapsulate the following API calls into convenient SDK functions:
- Send API request to the Pi server to create a payment
Similarly to the U2A payments where app developers create a payment using the Pi SDK's
method, you need to implement a method that creates a payment through an API
- Unlike U2A payment, which requires the Server-Side Approval, A2U payments do not require any approval from the developer before a transaction can be sumitted, since the flow starts from the app side and not from the user's side.
- Load the account
You need to look up the account every time before submitting a transaction, even if the Pi server gave you its address in the past. That's because the account could have been destroyed on the blockchain or the user could have changed their active wallet. By following this recommendation, developers can save the transaction fee that might have been wasted and avoid sending Pi to the wrong address. Remember that the transaction fee still gets spent even if a transaction fails.
- Build the transaction
You need to build a transaction with the relevant data such as the recipient's wallet address.
- Sign the transaction
After you build the transaction, you need to sign with the developer's keypair. Retrieving the keypair requires the secret seed.
- Submit the transaction to the Pi blockchain
This is when the transaction is sent to the Pi blockchain. Depending on the status, you will get a corresponding response.
- Complete the payment by sending an API request to the
The transaction will be verified by the Pi server after you submit it in the previous step. Send an API request to the
endpoint to check the status and complete the payment.
We are going to follow each step shown in the "Overall flow" section above to make an A2U payment.
It is worth noting that although js-stellar-sdk
is available both on the frontend and backend,
since the A2U is a server-side operation, we are providing Node.js examples.
- Send API request to the Pi server to create a payment
const axios = require('axios');
// API Key of your app, available in the Pi Developer Portal
// DO NOT hardcode this, read it from an environment variable and treat it like a production secret.
const axiosClient = axios.create({baseURL: '', timeout: 20000});
const config = {headers: {'Authorization': `Key ${PI_API_KEY}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}};
// This is the user UID of this payment's recipient
const userUid = "a1111111-aaaa-bbbb-2222-ccccccc3333d" // this is just an example uid!
const body = {amount: 1, memo: "Memo for user", metadata: {test: "your metadata"}, uid: userUid}; // your payment data and uid
let paymentIdentifier;
let recipientAddress;`/v2/payments`, body, config).then(response => {
paymentIdentifier =;
recipientAddress =;
- Load the account
const StellarSdk = require('stellar-sdk');
const myPublicKey = "G_YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY" // your public key, starts with G
// an object that let you communicate with the Pi Testnet
// if you want to connect to Pi Mainnet, use '' instead
const piTestnet = new StellarSdk.Server('');
let myAccount;
piTestnet.loadAccount(myPublicKey).then(response => myAccount = response);
let baseFee;
piTestnet.fetchBaseFee().then(response => baseFee = response);
- Build the transaction
// create a payment operation which will be wrapped in a transaction
let payment = StellarSdk.Operation.payment({
destination: recipientAddress,
asset: StellarSdk.Asset.native(),
amount: body.amount.toString()
// 180 seconds timeout
let timebounds;
piTestnet.fetchTimebounds(180).then(response => timebounds = response);
let transaction = new StellarSdk.TransactionBuilder(myAccount, {
fee: baseFee,
networkPassphrase: "Pi Testnet", // use "Pi Network" for mainnet transaction
timebounds: timebounds
// IMPORTANT! DO NOT forget to include the payment id as memo
transaction =;
- Sign the transaction
// See the "Obtain your wallet's private key" section above to get this.
// And DON'T HARDCODE IT, treat it like a production secret.
const mySecretSeed = "S_YOUR_SECRET_SEED"; // NEVER expose your secret seed to public, starts with S
const myKeypair = StellarSdk.Keypair.fromSecret(mySecretSeed);
- Submit the transaction to the Pi blockchain
let txid;
piTestnet.submitTransaction(transaction).then(response => txid =;
- Complete the payment by sending API request to
// check if the response status is 200
let completeResponse;`/v2/payments/${paymentIdentifier}/complete`, {txid}, config).then(response => completeResponse = response);