
Stats per resolver

michbsd opened this issue · 8 comments


First off, thanks for all your hard work on this project !!

Second, I have a small feature request - if would be great if I could get by resolver in the query log.

I would like to see which lookups was sent to which resolver.


I transferred this to the API repo, since the API handles these kinds of features. You should also make a feature request on the Pi-hole Discourse forums so people can vote on it.

This may also require changes in pi-hole/FTL.

Thanks. Actually the info is already available on the pihole.log. So "just" adding it to the API and the frontend.

Nothing reads data from the log anymore. I was mostly concerned if the query data structure in FTL contained the upstream server it was forwarded to (it does).

Cool! I will add a post on discourse forum as soon well. Thanks

This is currently implemented in the development branch:

fn filter_upstream<'a>(

You can filter by upstream by adding the upstream=... GET parameter to a /admin/api/stats/history request (replace ... with the upstream IP or name, such as or blocklist).

We aren't planning on adding another column to the query log on the web interface for the upstream.

Awesome. Many thanks.