
Custom upstream DNS servers can be on non-standard ports

dschaper opened this issue · 4 comments


Add verbiage to Custom DNS to note that upstream can be on #<port> notation.

This does not work. I'm on pi.hole 5.0 and i try to use unbound on 5335 -->

instead a dig on -p 5335 works great.

I don't understand your issue.

I have pi-hole 5.0 running and it works fine. However, I want to run it with its own restrictive DNS server, so I installed unboud. Unbound works. I can resolve DNS names with the command "dig". Unbound listens on port 5335, because pi-hole already uses 53. If I now enter unbound as DNS server in the pi-hole web interface (e.g. or, DNS resolution no longer works. This seems to be the case for every server where the port is different from port 53. None of them work. So I suspect a bug in Pi-Hole that the custom port different from port 53 does not work.

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