
Document hidden PIHOLE_SELINUX variable

jb044 opened this issue · 1 comments

jb044 commented

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Expected behaviour:

{A detailed description of what you expect to see}

pihole update code for 5 release checks for SELinux and exits if it is enabled, however there is also a shell variable PIHOLE_SELINUX. If this is set pihole -up continues with SELinux either enabled or enabled and in enforcing mode. I understand there are issues with pihole as is with SELinux and have taken measures to let it function with SELinux enforcing to a degree I can live with.

IMHO this variable should be either mentioned by the installer in update mode or documented. I just stumbled upon it in your source code.

Actual behaviour:

pihole -up on 4->5 updates pihole and the webinterface but not FTL, and thus breaks itself.

{A detailed description and/or screenshots of what you do see}

Steps to reproduce:

pihole -up on any system with SELinux enabled.

{Detailed steps of how we can reproduce this}

export PIHOLE_SELINUX=true

pihole -up


pihole -up


Debug token provided by uploading pihole -d log:

{Alphanumeric token}

Troubleshooting undertaken, and/or other relevant information:

{Steps of what you have done to fix this}

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  • Please respect that Pi-hole is developed by volunteers, who can only reply in their spare time.
  • Detail helps us understand and resolve an issue quicker, but please ensure it's relevant.
  • This template was created based on the work of udemy-dl.

@jb044 First off.. congrats finding my hidden variable! 🥇
Glad to hear you managed to build a policy that works for you.

I have renamed this issue and transfered it to the documentation repo.