
missing download cloudflared-2018.7.2-linux-arm.tar.gz for arm32

mybuntu-git2 opened this issue · 11 comments


(not relevant)


(not relevant)

Expected behavior

wget https://bin.equinox.io/a/4SUTAEmvqzB/cloudflared-2018.7.2-linux-arm.tar.gz
will download the required tar and allow install

Actual behavior / bug

file does not exist 404 error

Steps to reproduce

wget https://bin.equinox.io/a/4SUTAEmvqzB/cloudflared-2018.7.2-linux-arm.tar.gz

Additional context

without this tar it is impossible to install DoH on pi zero w

Relates to this guide: https://docs.pi-hole.net/guides/dns/cloudflared/

Assuming related to the workaround note added in #475

@pixolin - as the author of that PR, do you have any further recommendations?

I've found this one: https://hobin.ca/cloudflared/ by looking at the script https://gist.github.com/FrancisTurner/f8d53c40a201bc28328a0e8742d710dc which is linked cloudflare/cloudflared#38 (comment)

that seems to stop at Version 2018.8.0 while we need 7.2.

Those unofficial builds should fix the segfault. Please try it.

I tried the latest in that repo, it still gives segmentation fault on my pi zero w.

Ok, thanks. Unfortunately, we can't do much about it. It's up to cloudflared to fix their binaries. All we can offer is to remove the broken link and add a note that cloudflared is not working on the mentioned devices.

indeed I understand that. I will also ask them to recover it and put it into the releases. concerning workarounds: any other way to accomplish doh on a pi zero?

Cloudflared issue: cloudflare/cloudflared#643

I can't answer this, I'm not using DoH. Maybe some from the community does know a workaround.

#711 will "fix" the documentation for now, but of course not the underlying issue. If you encounter a workaround let us know and we adjust our documentation

@yubiuser there is something about using the latest pi os on a pi zero that results in a system that must be forced to install the 32-bit client. You docs when creating a tunnel for debian 32-bit arm say this:

curl -L --output cloudflared.deb https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared/releases/latest/download/cloudflared-linux-arm.deb && 

sudo dpkg -i cloudflared.deb && 

sudo cloudflared service install xxx

but it doesn't work on a pi zero unless you force the architecture, then it's all good! Weird!

curl -L --output cloudflared.deb https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared/releases/latest/download/cloudflared-linux-arm.deb && 

sudo dpkg --force-architecture -i cloudflared.deb && 

sudo cloudflared service install xxx