
DHCP static reservation will not reset when changed.

joshontech opened this issue · 1 comments


  • Pi-hole: v5.17.3
  • AdminLTE: v5.21
  • FTL: v5.25.1


  • OS and version: Debian 11
  • Platform: Proxmox VM running on Dell micro PC.

Expected behavior

When changing the static IP using the pihole DHCP I expect on next boot of that device the IP will change to whatever I indicated the new IP should be.

Actual behavior / bug

After assigning an static IP using pihole DHCP the IP of the device will never change even when deleting the lease and rebooting the device.

Steps to reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Log into pihole
  2. Go to Settings then DHCP
  3. Scroll down to Static DHCP leases configuration.
  4. Create a static lease
  5. Reboot the device you created a static lease for.
  6. Once rebooted change the static ip of the lease and delete the lease already given.
  7. Reboot the device again and the original IP of the static lease still is given.

Debug Token


Screenshot not necessary.

Additional context

The only thing I can add is my wife's phone had a static lease manually set on her phone to the same IP of the PC I was setting my lease for. I forgot that she has a static on her phone and I accidentally gave my PC the same IP in pihole. I don't know if that is the cause of this or not but I figured it was needed information to properly diagnose the issue.

Thanks for an amazing product and I hope this issue can help anyone else in this situation.

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