
Trouble with plotprofmle

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While checking PR #50 I found a bug (hopefully simple) in plotprofmle:

> ok.v <- fitvolkov(okland)
> (ok.prf <- profile(ok.v))
Mensagens de aviso perdidas:
In mle2(minuslogl = function (theta, m, J)  :
  convergence failure: code=52 (ERROR: ABNORMAL_TERMINATION_IN_LNSRCH)

Likelihood profile:

            z par.vals.theta   par.vals.m
1  -1.8239993    0.916607067  0.175671895
2  -1.7723406    0.996712834  0.172932670
3  -1.6445939    1.200424553  0.166147300
4  -1.4038108    1.607847989  0.153294101
5  -1.1809870    2.015271426  0.141295746
6  -0.9743136    2.422694862  0.130048934
7  -0.7821962    2.830118299  0.119469070
8   0.0000000    4.867235482  0.073877979
9   0.4766757    6.904352665  0.025781730
10  0.5211688    8.941469848  0.011447477
11  0.5623880   10.978587032  0.008471522
12  0.6415875   13.015704215  0.007127385
13  0.7347336   15.052821398  0.006271234
14  0.8276636   17.089938581  0.005693900
15  0.9150090   19.127055764  0.005364801
16  0.9944391   21.164172947  0.005054057
17  1.0093918   21.571596384  0.005000064
18  1.0236301   21.979019821  0.004867529
19  1.0379678   22.386443257  0.004814818
20  1.0520105   22.793866694  0.004768348
21  1.0561358   22.915176663  0.004755981

            z par.vals.theta   par.vals.m
1  -5.5683934   22.915176663  0.000100000
2  -0.9471195   15.376816584  0.004162101
3  -0.5191799    8.655341885  0.011908310
4  -0.4397457    6.285627421  0.027400727
5  -0.2901972    5.534026024  0.042893144
6  -0.1380923    5.130835442  0.058385562
7   0.0000000    4.867235482  0.073877979
8   0.5039591    4.228958983  0.151340066
9   0.8508792    3.943476534  0.228802153
10  1.1244572    3.768862115  0.306264241
11  1.3485418    3.646493677  0.383726328
12  1.5347920    3.553933729  0.461188415
13  1.6909905    3.480446229  0.538650502
14  1.8228181    3.420102626  0.616112589
15  1.9346141    3.369309340  0.693574676
16  2.0298633    3.325733413  0.771036763
17  2.1115018    3.287777191  0.848498850
18  2.1820710    3.254298754  0.925960937
19  2.1950554    3.248062091  0.941453355
20  2.2077015    3.241964507  0.956945772
21  2.2200244    3.236000666  0.972438190
22  2.2320385    3.230165513  0.987930607
23  2.2379341    3.227294687  0.995676816
24  2.2411178    3.225742343  0.999900000

> par(mfrow=c(1,2))
> plot(ok.prf) # plots ok
> plotprofmle(ok.prf) ## doe not plot profile for m
Erro em xy.coords(x, y) (from plotprofmle.R#47) : 'x' and 'y' lengths differ