Continue to listen on ISP address after connecting
Bitals opened this issue · 2 comments
Hello and thank you very much for this project.
My system is behind a NAT with multiple ports forwarded to it.
My issue is that when I launch this script, my system stops answering requests coming from the internet. It answers everything from LAN, but nothing from outside, which is confusing for me since all requests from outside are forwarded to its local IP address, the same one I use to test from LAN.
Do you have any suggestions how to keep it answering on its NATed public IP while routing all outgoing traffic through PIA? Listening via PF seems like a lot of further automatization I really-really don't want to implement since it's completely redundant for my use case, and 1 port is not nearly enough for my needs.
Best regards.
I think the issue is your device has a public IP on eth0 and you are routing all outbound traffic through the wireguard interface, so traffic is coming in on eth0 but going out on wgpia. Solving this issue is out of the scope of this repo, so I will have to close the ticket, but we can continue the discussion.
Here is an idea that could work:
Try to isolate the public services in a special network namespace (for example, by hosting those services on a docker network within the
range). After that, try to SNAT outbound connections to the WG interface instead of masquerading everything, and configure outbound connections from your public service to still go out via eth0. This should achieve the expected split tunnel effect you are looking for.
There are also other solutions to this. If you keep digging into Linux networking you will probably find alternative solutions.
If you want to dive into this deeper, I suggest starting by creating a diagram of the network flow (current and expected).
Hello g00nix, thank you for your reply,
No interfaces on my system have public IPs, they are behind a NAT (router) that has, and that NAT forwards incoming requests to the systems local interface with local IP. On that local IP listens a Docker container with bridge networking mode (so yes, And it continues to answer requests coming from my laptop inside the same LAN, but stops for requests coming from outside. Maybe this has something to do with headers? There are external src IPs there, while dst should be overwritten by NAT to match local IP.