
Clojurescript Re-frame-style middleware for Flutter

Primary LanguageDart

Flutter Re-frame

Reframe-middleware Flutter demo

A small Flutter app showing how to use reframe-middleware for redux.dart.

State structure

// reframe/state.dart
class AppState {
  final CounterState counter;

  const AppState({
    this.counter = const CounterState(),

Actions and their action handlers

Action without a payload

See below for the of with HandlerWrapper, a mixin to more easily work with nested state.

class IncrementAction extends ReframeAction<AppState, Effects> with HandlerWrapper {
  ReframeResponse<AppState> handle(AppState state, Effects effects) =>
      handleCounterAction(state, effects, _handle);

  ReframeResponse<CounterState> _handle(CounterState state, Effects effects) =>
        state.copy(count: state.count + 1),

Action with a payload

class SetCountAction extends ReframeAction<AppState, Effects> with HandlerWrapper {
  final int number;

  const SetCountAction(this.number);

  ReframeResponse<AppState> handle(AppState state, Effects effects) =>
          // Can also define handlers in-line like this:
          (CounterState counter, Effects effects) => 
				ReframeResponse.stateUpdate(counter.copy(count: number)));

Async Action

class AsyncSetCountAction extends ReframeAction<AppState, Effects> {
  ReframeResponse<AppState> handle(AppState state, Effects effects) {
    final List<ReframeAction> onFailure = [IncrementAction()];

    // A side-effect is an async zero-arity function which resolves to a
    // list of additional actions.
    SideEffect effect = () async {
      try {
        final String url = 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1';
        final Response response = await effects.client.get(url);
        return response.statusCode == 200 ? [SetCountAction(200)] : onFailure;
      } on Exception catch (exception, _) {
        return onFailure;

    return ReframeResponse(effect: effect);

Helper for nested state updates: HandlerWrapper mixin

Defining a HandlerWrapper to wrap a particular part of your state

Dart doesn’t have lenses for type-design nested access, so we need to get more creative ;-)

// define a type signature for sub-state handlers
typedef CounterHandler = ReframeResponse<CounterState> Function(

// define a mixin that knows how to traverse from substate to AppState (fullstate)
mixin HandlerWrapper {
  ReframeResponse<AppState> handleCounterAction(
    AppState state,
    Effects effects,
    CounterHandler counterHandler,
  ) =>
      counterHandler(state.counter, effects).map(
          (CounterState counterState) => state.copy(counter: counterState));

Using HandlerWrapper

class IncrementAction2 extends ReframeAction<AppState, Effects>
    with HandlerWrapper {
  ReframeResponse<AppState> handle(AppState state, Effects effects) =>
        (CounterState state, Effects effects) =>
            ReframeResponse.stateUpdate(state.copy(count: state.count + 1)),

This same action + action handler without HandlerWrapper:

class IncrementAction extends ReframeAction<AppState, Effects> with HandlerWrapper {
  ReframeResponse<AppState> handle(AppState state, Effects effects) =>
          state.copy(counter: state.counter.copy(count: state.counter.count + 1)));

HandlerWrappers become more useful as state becomes more nested.