Question: Link for access single picture Google Photos
mhilcher opened this issue · 2 comments
first thank you for your work, I appreciate that a lot.
I did all the steps and created my own app with the Google Photos Api enabled.
I downloaded the credentials and Pibooth was authorized by the Api, so that Pibooth has access.
The photos are uploaded to Google Photos into the correct album.
Now when I want to access this photo directly via a shared link, it doesn't work.
I used several urls, e.g. :
'{mySharedSecret}/{picture_name}.jpg' or '{mySharedSecret}/{picture_name}.jpg'
I only can see the complete album and then click on the photo to show or download it.
Do you know if there is a way to generate a link that directly points to the photo without having to show the album first?
I want to show a QR code after each taken picture that points exactly to this photo, so that the people can download the photo from there.
Thank you and best wishes,
See this issue
and this