
How to use join?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I have a problem now, Let's say I have

class User(Table):
    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    username = Varchar()
class Posts(Table):
    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    poster = ForeignKey(references=User)
    title = Varchar()

class Comments(Table):
    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    commenter = ForeignKey(references=User)
    content = Text()

I want to get the corresponding number of Comments directly through the Posts table, but I checked the documentation and didn't see the relevant usage.

But it’s not complicated to implement in SQL, I just don’t know how to use piccolo-orm to implement it.


SELECT p.*, COUNT(c.id) AS comment_count
FROM posts p
LEFT JOIN comments c ON p.id = c.post_id
ORDER BY comment_count DESC

What I mean is, instead of writing multiple entries, do it in one

Can you help me answer this question? thx

Yeah, it's not super easy with Piccolo at the moment - it abstracts away joins, which helps in most situations, but can be harder in others.

I usually solve these problems using a sub select:

from piccolo.columns import Integer, Varchar, ForeignKey,Text
from piccolo.engine.postgres import PostgresEngine
from piccolo.table import Table, create_db_tables, drop_db_tables
from piccolo.query import SelectRaw

DB = PostgresEngine({'database': 'piccolo_left_join_test'})

class User(Table, db=DB):
    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    username = Varchar()

class Posts(Table, db=DB):
    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    poster = ForeignKey(references=User)
    title = Varchar()

class Comments(Table, db=DB):
    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    commenter = ForeignKey(references=User)
    content = Text()

async def main():
    await drop_db_tables(User, Posts, Comments)
    await create_db_tables(User, Posts, Comments)


    # Create some test data

    await User(id=1, username='Bob').save()
    await User(id=2, username='Alice').save()

    await Posts(id=1, poster=1, title='Bob post 1').save()
    await Posts(id=2, poster=1, title='Bob post 2').save()
    await Posts(id=3, poster=2, title='Alice post 1').save()

    await Comments(id=1, commenter=1, content='Bob comment 1').save()
    await Comments(id=2, commenter=1, content='Bob comment 2').save()
    await Comments(id=3, commenter=2, content='Alice comment 1').save()


    # Example query
    response = await Posts.select(
            "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments WHERE commenter = posts.poster) AS comment_count"


if __name__ == '__main__':
    import asyncio

是的,目前 Piccolo 并不是那么容易 - 它抽象了连接,这在大多数情况下都有帮助,但在其他情况下可能会更困难。


from piccolo.columns import Integer, Varchar, ForeignKey,Text
from piccolo.engine.postgres import PostgresEngine
from piccolo.table import Table, create_db_tables, drop_db_tables
from piccolo.query import SelectRaw

DB = PostgresEngine({'database': 'piccolo_left_join_test'})

class User(Table, db=DB):
    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    username = Varchar()

class Posts(Table, db=DB):
    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    poster = ForeignKey(references=User)
    title = Varchar()

class Comments(Table, db=DB):
    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    commenter = ForeignKey(references=User)
    content = Text()

async def main():
    await drop_db_tables(User, Posts, Comments)
    await create_db_tables(User, Posts, Comments)


    # Create some test data

    await User(id=1, username='Bob').save()
    await User(id=2, username='Alice').save()

    await Posts(id=1, poster=1, title='Bob post 1').save()
    await Posts(id=2, poster=1, title='Bob post 2').save()
    await Posts(id=3, poster=2, title='Alice post 1').save()

    await Comments(id=1, commenter=1, content='Bob comment 1').save()
    await Comments(id=2, commenter=1, content='Bob comment 2').save()
    await Comments(id=3, commenter=2, content='Alice comment 1').save()


    # Example query
    response = await Posts.select(
            "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments WHERE commenter = posts.poster) AS comment_count"


if __name__ == '__main__':
    import asyncio

Thanks for the reply, I think I know how I should encapsulate it